  • Welcome to the smartphone tour of Pilgrim Uniting Church.

    This tour includes pictures, text and audio commentary for each station. Each station is identified by a number. A photo indicates the object you are viewing with descriptive text under. Touch the play button to listen to the commentary.

    Availability of a ‘Short’ tour ...
    With cookies enabled in your browser, you will be able to choose a ‘Short’ tour, of only 20 stations, as an alternative to the current ‘Long’ tour.

    The church's layout ...

    The church is described Geographically, as North‑South with the communion table towards the North.

    With cookies enabled in your browser, you can also choose the Liturgical "East‑West" layout that places the communion table towards the "East".

    A map, available from our office, may enable you to better locate stations. Enjoy exploring.